My name is Kat, I live in Devon England and I just wanted to share my love of cupcakes with you.
First let me tell you a little about me, I am 28, have a husband of 4 1/2 years, a 2 year old (who is currently trying to climb on my back!!) and one on the way, I am 7 months now, my new bambino is due on 7th Feb 2011. I also have a Jack Russell called Milly, she's a dippy mutt to say the least.
I have to admit I am not trained in the fine art of bakery or sugar-craft in any way but just love to make cupcakes, they are not that fancy at the moment but I am getting better as I go. (learn by doing people, learn by doing).
I don't really have a lot of time to think about this blog and make it interesting or witty at the moment, but I assure you I will get more interesting the more I add.
Anyway I must dash and sort out my brood, I will leave you with a few pics of my cakes so far, speak soon.